Save The Date - 2025 Golf Outing

2025 New Trustees and New Officers Sworn In on January 13, 2025

Congratulations to Scott Seeliger, Ryan Tackett, and Ashley Lake on becoming the newest trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation. They were sworn in at the annual Grants Reception held on January 13th for a three-year term. Welcome!

Congratulations to the newly elected Bowling Green Community Foundation Officers for 2025. From left to right, Randy Roberts -Treasurer, Joe Edens - President, Dave Maurer - President-Elect, Jason Miller - Secretary, and Marcia Latta - Immediate Past President. Thank you for your on-going service to the Bowling Green Community Foundation and to the Bowling Green community.

2024 Outgoing Trustees Thanked

The Bowling Green Community Foundation would like to thank three outgoing trustees for their contributions to the foundation. At the November board meeting, President Marcia Latta talked about Rebecca Ferguson's and Justin White's service to the board along with appreciation for their contributions to the BG Hometown Heroes Banner Program. The third trustee was Kati Thompson who was not able to be at the meeting.

2024 Bowling Green Community Foundation Scholarship Winners

BGCF Foundation President Marcia Latta presented five outstanding BGHS students with scholarships of $1,500 each at the annual BGHS Senior Scholarship Awards Program on April 24, thanks to the generosity of donors to BGCF.

Receiving awards were: Cade Contris, Aaron Hershberger, Dillon O’Connell, Miriam Utz, and Lola Thompson. All were selected based on the scholarship criteria of exemplary character, leadership, scholarship, and community service. Congratulations students!

Solar Eclipse Glasses For All Bowling Green School Children

Eclipse glasses for everyone!

All students attending Bowling Green City Schools will receive a pair of ISO-certified eclipse glasses prior to April 8, 2024for watching the eclipse. Because safety is so important to viewing the eclipse, we are making additional glasses available through partners in the community. Ensuring children can participate safely in this once-in-a-lifetime event is made possible by the Bowling Green Schools Foundation and the Charles Waggoner Science Education Fund through the Bowling Green Community Foundation.

Past Presidents of the Bowling Green Community Foundation

Back Row:  Brian Bushong (2012), Tony Hetrick (2016), Kristin Otley (2018), John Heffernan (2014), Chet Marcin (1997)

Front Row:  Jim Elsasser (2019), Kevin Cochrane (2020), Lee Hakel (1995), Rebecca Ferguson (2023), Roger Anderson (2001), Marcia Latta (1994 and 2024)

Not pictured but attended reception:  Calvin Bowers (2017), Emily Dunipace (2022)

Grant Reception January 2024

President Marcia Latta making opening remarks during the January Grant Reception. See article about the grant reception under Grant Seeking.

MORNING SHOW INTERVIEW - December 27, 2023

Marcia Latta, President of the Bowling Green Community Foundation Board of Trustees, appeared on The Morning Show with host Larry Weiss this morning. Marcia gave several examples of projects funded this past year by the foundation to make our community an even better place, discussed how BGCF can be helpful to donors who wish to set up their own endowment to focus on an area of interest to them, and encouraged year-end gifts, too!


The Bowling Green Community Foundation welcomes four new Trustees to serve a three-year term. Lindsay Jo Durham, Mike Marsh, Stacy Poca, and Inge Klopping were sworn in by President Marcia Latta. The foundation appreciates your willingness to serve on the board and your dedication to the Bowling Green community.


At the December 2023 Bowling Green Community Foundation Board Meeting four outgoing Trustees were honored. President Marcia Latta presented glass awards in appreciation for their service to the foundation and the community. Matt Karaffa, Kacee Ferrell-Snyder, and Steve Arnold (not pictured) served six-year terms and Joe Fawcett served a three-year term. Thank you!

Lunch in the park 2023

Lunch in the Park was June 23, 2023. Our President, Rebecca Ferguson spoke to those in attendance while our trustees Martha Woelke, Marsha Latta, Jan McLaughlin, Katie Thompson and Rebecca Ferguson passed out information about the foundation and ice cream treats.

2023 Scholarships Awarded

Congratulations to Gabriel Mott, Garret Genson, Gianna Hemming, Tyler Bowen, and Zainah Shaheen who received the 2022 scholarships from the Bowling Green Community Foundation. They each received $1,500 to further their education.

Thank you to our donors!

The Annual Giving Campaign was very successful with over $27,000 raised. The Bowling Green community is very supportive.

Annual giving campaign starts november through december 2022

Annual giving letters have been sent out to the community asking for donations to our annual giving campaign. If you would like a donation envelope sent to you, please contact the Administrative Assistant at or use the donate button at the top of this page.

2023 Incoming trustees

The Bowling Green Community Foundation board would like to welcome seven new trustees. They will serve a three-year term. Thank you for your commitment to the BG community by serving on our board. Bottom row: Martha Woelke, Jim Phares. Top row: Kati Thompson, Randy Roberts, James Czerniak. Not pictured: Nick Hogrefe and Abhishek Bhati.

2022 Outgoing Trustees

The Bowling Green Community Foundation would like to thank our seven outgoing trustees. At the October 2022 meeting of the board the seven trustees received a glass award in appreciation of their service to the board and to the Bowling Green community. The seven trustees leaving the foundation are David Anderson (6- year term), Lakeshia Dowlen (3-year term), Emily Dunipace (6-year term), Patrick Konesky (3-year term), Ryan Phipps (3-year term), Ashley Vetter (3-year term), and Cathy Walker (3-year term). Your dedication to serving on the board is much appreciated!

Pictured is Lakeshia Dowlen, Ashley Vetter, Emily Dunipace, and Patrick Konesky.


The grant application process is now open through October 15, 2022. Grants are made to 501(c)(3) organizations that are located in the 43402 and 43403 zip code and school district areas. Annual awards range from $500 to $7,500. Please see information under Grant Seeking on this website for more information on how to apply.


Thank you to our title sponsor Edward Jones

24th Annual Golf Outing

Our annual golf outing was held on September 16, 2022. This event raised $11,000 for the Bowling Green Community Foundation which will help support the foundation and its grant program. We also congratulated Jason Miller, winner of the Fort Myers Beach Vacation Home. It was a beautiful day for golf, and we want to thank all our sponsors and donors for supporting the BGCF including Edward Jones and Todd and Mary Noll. We hope to see all of our participants back next year at the 25th Annual Golf Outing.


FireFly Nights 2022

Information about the Bowling Green Community Foundation and ice cream treats were passed out by trustees Jason Miller, Adam Brian, and Joe Edens at a recent FireFly Night. The foundation and the BG Kiwanis teamed up to thank the community for their continued support for both organizations



Lunch in the Park was July 8, 2022. Our President, Emily Dunipace spoke to those in attendance while our trustees Lakeshia Dowlen, Becca Ferguson, Ashley Wolf, and Emily Dunipace passed out information about the foundation and ice cream treats.



Congratulations to Gabriel Mott, Garret Genson, Gianna Hemming, Tyler Bowen, and Zainah Shaheen who received the 2022 scholarships from the Bowling Green Community Foundation. They each received $1,500 to further their education.

Lunch in the Park July 8th

The foundation will be sponsoring the “Lunch In The Park” on July 8th at the BG City Park. This event is put on by the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation. We will be passing out ice cream treats along with information about the foundation.


BGCF welcomes two new incoming trustees. David Maurer and Jason D. Miller have agreed to a three year term on the Bowling Green Community Foundation Board of Trustees. We would like to extend our thank you and welcome to the board.


BGCF Trustees met on October 19, 2021 and thanked our outgoing trustees Kevin Cochrane and Bill Moorman. Thank you for your years of service!


We are proud to announce that Joe Edens, Jan Larson McLaughlin, and Marcia Latta have agreed to a three year term on the Bowling Green Community Foundation Board of Trustees. Welcome!!!


BGCF trustees met on October 20th and want to extend a very special thank you to our outgoing trustees; Janelle LaFond, Doug Cubberley, and Cal Bowers. Thank you for your years of service!

Trustee Meeting 10.20.2020.jpg

Black Swamp Award Winner

The Black Swamp Players held their Annual Meeting during which they announced the winners of their annual awards. The Bowling Green Community Foundation is the recipient of the 2020 Friends of Black Swamp Players Award. We are very honored.

Black Swamp Players Award.jpg


The Bowling Green Community Foundation would like to congratulate our five Bowling Green Schools 2020 scholarship recipients. The students selected were Jacob Partin, Kiki Schempf, Hailey Trimpey, Ethan Griffin, and Garrett Germann. They each received $1,500 to go towards their college education.

Grant will help BG City Schools continue food program in summer

The Bowling Green Community Foundation recently awarded $5,000 to BG City Schools for its food program during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Abby Forschner, the school district’s food service coordinator, the grant funding will be used to continue transportation of meals to rural areas of the district through the summer. “We are providing meals throughout the summer which the district hasn’t done before but the current climate certainly dictates that our students receive services,” Forschner said. The Bowling Green Community Foundation is a proud supporter of Bowling Green City Schools.

Bowling Green School employees prepare lunches to be distributed to school district children.

Bowling Green School employees prepare lunches to be distributed to school district children.


The Bowling Green Community Foundation Annual Grant Reception was held on January 15, 2020. BGCF President Kevin Cochrane presented grant checks to the representatives of each non-profit organization. Since 1997, the BGCF has awarded grants to non-profit organizations that serve the Bowling Green community. The 2019 grants are to be implemented in calendar year 2020. The total amount given out was $43,608.55. For more information about the organizations receiving these grants see the tab above called Grant Seeking and 2019 recipients. More picture in the tab called Gallery.


welcome new trustees to bgcf

New Trustees 2019.jpg

The Bowling Green Community Foundation would like to welcome nine new trustees that were elected at our October Full Board Meeting. The new trustees are Lakeshia Dowlen, Melanie Garbig, Rebecca Ferguson, Ashley Vetter, Joe Fawcett, Patrick Konesky, Dr. Ryan Phipps, Cathy Walker and Diane Huffman. The Foundation appreciates their willingness to serve the BG community for a three year term. Welcome!

Absent from picture - Cathy Walker and Diane Huffman

2019 outgoing trustees honored at october 2019 meeting


Thank you to our outgoing trustees for their outstanding service to our organization! During our October meeting they were thanked by our new President, Kevin Cochrane and new President-Elect Kacee Ferrell Snyder. Outgoing trustees include David Shilling, Kristin Otley, Brian Craft, Deanna Vatan, Jim Elsasser, Lesley Riker, Owen Beck, and Delaney Doup.

Bowling green chamber of commerce presentation

On October 4th our president, Jim Elsasser, and Mike George from the Greater Toledo Community Foundation shared with the BG Chamber of Commerce Board the history, operations, and mission of the Bowling Green Community Foundation.


BG Community Foundation sponsored a “Lunch in the Park” on June 28, 2019 at the BG City Park. Ice cream treats were given out to people attending the event.



Congratulations to both Etta Gallaway and Kathryn Glomski on being awarded a $1,500 BGCF 2019 scholarship by the BGCF President, Jim Elsasser.


BGCF BOARD 2019-2.jpg

Bottom Row (left to right): Kristin Otley (Immediate Past President), Brian Craft (Secretary), Jim Elsasser (President), Kevin Cochrane (President Elect), Owen Beck (Treasurer), Sandy Leuck (Administrative Assistant). Second Row: Steve Arnold, Kacee Ferrell Snyder, Deanna Vatan, Janelle LaFond, Justin White, Doug Cubberley, Lesley Riker. Third Row: Bill Moorman, Matt Karaffa, Calvin Bowers, Emily Dunipace, Ann McCarty, David Shilling. Absent: David Anderson and Delaney Doup

BG High school Sports sponsor

BB Game 2019 (2).jpg

The Bowling Green Community Foundation was honored to sponsor the February 15th Bowling Green High School basketball game. Coach Headley presented a plaque of appreciation to BGCF President Jim Elsasser.

2019 Grant reception


The Bowling Green Community Foundation Annual Grant Reception was held on January 9, 2019. BGCF President Jim Elsasser presented grant checks to the representatives of each non-profit organization. Since 1997, the BGCF has awarded grants to non-profit organizations that serve the Bowling Green community. For 2019, the BGCF awarded a total of $40,000.

October 2018 meeting

Sharon Hanna and Tari Christoff were honored for their six years each of service to the BGCF as a trustee. Thank you for your dedicated service. Bill Moorman from the Bowling Green Fire Division and Justin White from the Bowling Green Police Divisio…

Sharon Hanna and Tari Christoff were honored for their six years each of service to the BGCF as a trustee. Thank you for your dedicated service. Bill Moorman from the Bowling Green Fire Division and Justin White from the Bowling Green Police Division were elected to the board. Welcome to Bill and Justin. Kevin Cochrane will serve a 2nd three year term.

The annual election of officers was held at the meeting. The trustees approved the following officers: President – James Elsasser, President Elect – Kevin Cochrane, Immediate Past President – Kristin Otley, Secretary – Brian Craft, Treasurer – Owen Beck.


The 20th annual golf outing will be held on Friday June 15th at the Stone Ridge Golf Course.  Please see Annual Golf Outing tab for more information.

2018 scholarship winners

The recipients of the Bowling Green Community Foundation 2018 BGHS scholarships are Ryland Black and Clifford Hart. Kristin Otley presented the award scholarships on Wednesday, April 25th at a program at the BGHS Performing Arts Center. Congratulations to Ryland and Clifford.

Grant reception held on January 10, 2018

The BGCF held it's annual Grant Reception at the Bowling Green Simpson Building to honor the recipients of the 2017/2018 grant period.  Thank you to Jan Larson McLaughlin for this write-up in the BG Independent News!

By Jan Larson McLaughlin, BG Independent News

With the help of local grants, middle school girls will get a chance to dissect sharks, a team of hockey players will no longer look like misfits on the ice, and volunteers with Habitat won’t have to worry about falling off roofs.

More than $43,000 was awarded Wednesday by the Bowling Green Community Foundation.

“Man, that was a lot,” Kristin Otley, a member of the foundation board, said after all the grants were handed out.

“We support such wonderful, diverse programs,” Otley said.

The local grants are also assisted by the Toledo Community Foundation.

“We read your proposals and they were just amazing,” she told the grant recipients.

The BG Community Foundation holds a golf outing at Stone Ridge in the summer to raise funds for the annual grants.

Following is a list of the programs granted funding for this year:

BG American Association of University Women was given $1,020 to fund Tech Trek 2018. The one-week residential science, technology, engineering and math program for eighth grade girls from Bowling Green Middle School allows the girls to spend the week at BGSU. John Roberts Zibbel described how the students get to learn through hands-on projects such as dissecting sharks and coding.

Bowling Green Middle School was awarded $2,000 for the One School, One Voice Program. The funding will help with the expense of bringing author Gordon Korman to the middle school, and to help purchase one of his books for every student. “We want to get students excited about reading,” the middle school librarian said.

BG Parks and Recreation Department was granted $3,000 for materials for Phase 2 of the Bowling Green Community Center mosaic windows. The second phase will work on mosaic pieces for the other side of the center’s lobby. The goal is to engage the public in a community arts project, which Phase 1 has done, said Ivan Kovacevic, of the parks and rec department. “It inspired community participation from all over the place,” he said.

Bowling Green Youth Baseball at Carter Park was awarded $1,920 to help purchase 24 practice Tanner Tees for the Tee Ball, Rookie and Pee Wee League teams. Tim Dunn, president of the program, said as many as 400 youngsters play ball at the park. The park is staffed by volunteers, so “it’s a huge asset” when the program gets grant funding, Dunn said.

Black Swamp Ice Frogs hockey team was given $2,500 to help buy equipment and uniforms for the team designed for players with special needs. Heather Sayler and Sue Kepling explained the expense of the team’s ice time and adaptive equipment. The kids have never had new equipment since the team formed five years ago, so they not only look mismatched at tournaments, but “it smells,” Sayler said.

BG Parks & Recreation Foundation was granted $1,500 to help purchase supplies and educational materials about bicycle safety and pedestrian education and awareness. The program will partner with Safe Communities of Wood County and the BG Bicycle Safety Commission.

Horizon Youth Theatre was awarded $2,024 to help with expenses for the 2018 Festival of Shorts, which are short plays written by the children in the theater program, explained Tom Edge, president of the Horizon Youth Theatre. The grant will also help with summer programs on everything from puppetry to Shakespeare, he said.

Brown Bag Project was given $1,000 to support the Clean and Healthy Bowling Green program, which is intended to fill the need for hygiene products that are lacking at local food pantries. The items are not covered by food stamps and are often unaffordable for lower income families. The Brown Bag Project gives five to seven days of food for families in need, but hygiene items are needed, Amy Jeffers said. “This is very appreciated,” she said.

Cocoon Shelter was awarded $4,316 to help purchase refrigerators, freezers and pantries for families at the shelter, which houses survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Kathy Mull, director of the Cocoon, said the equipment is desperately needed in the family kitchen at the shelter that was opened last year.

Connecting Kids to Meals was granted $2,000 to provide hot, nutritious meals throughout the year to kids in low-income and underserved areas at no cost. The funds will pay for 10,000 meals to kids in need during the summer or after school, said Wendi Huntley. “There are so many kids who go home hungry,” she said.

Downtown Foundation Inc. was awarded $1,500 to help purchase updated technology to support the promotion of downtown businesses. Managing director Mary Hinkelman said the organization in the “heart of our town” relies heavily on volunteers and BGSU students who must bring their own laptops to work. The grant will “help us bring technology into this century,” she said.

First United Methodist Church Food Pantry was given $5,000 to help with the purchase of a box truck to transport and secure large amounts of food needed for the community. Heather Sayler explained the need, saying “the food insecurity in our area is really alarming.” The demands at the food pantry are growing, with the monthly numbers in December adding up to 362 people being helped. The church program also provides senior food boxes.

Habitat for Humanity of Wood County was granted $2,054 to support the Build Safety BG Project for training in construction and appropriate gear for volunteers working on the first Habitat house being built in Bowling Green, said Mark Ohashi, the Habitat for Humanity director in Wood County. Kristen Jenkinson, of Habitat, said the money will be spent on safety harnesses to keep volunteer workers from falling off the roof. “We’re really excited about this project,” she said.

Wood Lane Residential Services was given $5,000 to purchase five mobile “sit to stand” transfer platforms for patient mobility. The lifts will allow aging people to maintain their independence, by allowing them to help themselves, plus save staff from injuries.

United Way in Wood County was awarded $2,100 to pay for school book bags and supplies for 2018 for the “Back to School Fair” for families in need. Sue Clanton of United Way and Harley Maddox of the Salvation Army supplied 300 kids with backpacks last year. “It is an incredible thing to see,” Clanton said. “To see the kids’ faces when they actually put that backpack on.” Maddox said the grant was “a blessing.” “This is one less expense they need to think about with the ever-expanding list of school supplies,” she said.

Wood County Historical Museum received $600 to support educational outreach programs for senior citizens in Bowling Green. Barb Hayden described how the funding will help the museum’s education director take programs to the senior center at no charge to the seniors.

Wooster Green was awarded $5,000 to help with the creation of the town square. “This has been part of our community discussion for the last three to four years,” Mayor Dick Edwards said. The gathering place is “a genuine green right in the heart of our city,” he said. “We are enormously grateful. It’s all coming together in a remarkable fashion.” The grant request was written by Barbara Moses. “I can’t wait till we break ground,” she said. “I am so excited.”

Wood County District Public Library was granted $475 for the purchase of documentary films for the library’s collection. Michael Penrod, library director, noted the value of supporting the role of media in education.

Annual fundraising

The Bowling Green Community Foundation asks you to join our annual campaign to provide increased support for deserving nonprofit organizations that respond to the compelling needs of local residents. Please consider the importance of a tax-deductible gift that will benefit so many and sustain the well-being and vitality of our community. Your gift will make a difference.  For more information on donating please email the foundation at

2017/2018 board of trustees

2018 Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation  Bottom Row: David Anderson, Kevin Cochrane, Deanna Vatan, Delaney Doup, Douglas Cubberley, Kristin Otley, Kacee Ferrell Snyder, Steve Arnold, David Shilling, Sharon Hanna, Janelle Lafond, Lesl…

2018 Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation

Bottom Row: David Anderson, Kevin Cochrane, Deanna Vatan, Delaney Doup, Douglas Cubberley, Kristin Otley, Kacee Ferrell Snyder, Steve Arnold, David Shilling, Sharon Hanna, Janelle Lafond, Lesley Riker
Top Row: Brian Craft, Cal Bowers, Tari Christoff, Owen Beck, Sandy Leuck (Administrative Assistant), Matt Karaffa, Jim Elsasser, Emily Dunipace.
Absent: Ann McCarty

October 2017 Trustee Meeting

Cal Bowers presented glass service awards to our four outgoing trustees. All four of these trustees served two terms of three years each for a total of six years. The BGCF would like to thank Cheryl Windisch, Doris Herringshaw, Marie Pendleton, and …

Cal Bowers presented glass service awards to our four outgoing trustees. All four of these trustees served two terms of three years each for a total of six years. The BGCF would like to thank Cheryl Windisch, Doris Herringshaw, Marie Pendleton, and Tony Hetrick for their outstanding service to the foundation.

The annual election of officers was held at the October 2017 meeting. The trustees approved the following officers for a one year term: President – Kristin Otley, President Elect – Jim Elsasser, Immediate Past President – Cal Bowers, Secretary – Brian Craft, Treasurer – Owen Beck (2 year term).

Cal Bowers, Doug Cubberley, and Janelle LaFond were approved for a second three year term.

Four new trustees were approved by the board of trustees: Steve Arnold, Matt Karaffa, Ann McCarty, Kacee Ferrell Snyder

2016/2017 Board of Trustees

The 2016/2017 Board of Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation:1st Row (left to right) – Brian Craft, Jim Elsasser, Kristin Otley, Cal Bowers, Owen Beck, Tony Hetrick, Doris Herringshaw.2nd Row – Doug Cubberley, Delaney Doup, Deanna Vatan…

The 2016/2017 Board of Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation:

1st Row (left to right) – Brian Craft, Jim Elsasser, Kristin Otley, Cal Bowers, Owen Beck, Tony Hetrick, Doris Herringshaw.

2nd Row – Doug Cubberley, Delaney Doup, Deanna Vatan, Janelle LaFond, Cheryl Windisch, Marie Pendleton, David Anderson, Lesley Riker

Back Row – Dave Shilling, Emily Dunipace, Sandy Leuck (Administrative Assistant), Tari Christoff

Absent – Kevin Cochrane and Sharon Hanna

Lunch In the Park 2017

On June 2, 2017 the Bowling Green Community Foundation helped sponsor the Lunch In the Park put on by the Bowling Green Parks and Recreation Dept.  It was held in the Bowling Green City Park.  Great music,  good food, and a special free ice cream treat was available to everyone that came.

Below are some pictures of the beautiful day in the park!


2016/2017 Scholarship Recipients

2017 President Cal Bowers had the honor on April 26th in presenting two $1,000 scholarships to two very talented young women from Bowling Green High School on behalf of the Bowling Green Community Foundation! Madison Rothenbuhler and Claire Wells-Je…

2017 President Cal Bowers had the honor on April 26th in presenting two $1,000 scholarships to two very talented young women from Bowling Green High School on behalf of the Bowling Green Community Foundation! Madison Rothenbuhler and Claire Wells-Jensen both have a bright future!


GRANT RECEPTION HELD on January 18, 2017

BG Area Community Band being presented grant check.

BG Area Community Band being presented grant check.

Community organizations were given grants earlier this week to bring music, sports, reading and more to Bowling Green. The grants, from the Bowling Green Community Foundation, are intended to help the very young to the very old, and everyone in between.

The annual grant program began after the 1993 BG Leadership class started the foundation in order to help local groups serve the community, explained Cal Bowers, president of the foundation.

“What you’re doing speaks to the vibrancy of our community. You’re at the core of it,” said Bowling Green Mayor Dick Edwards.

This year’s grants total $29,000 for 14 different projects.

“That’s an impact to this community,” Bowers said.

Following is a list of all the projects awarded grants.

  • BG Area Community Bands – $2,250 for a community band festival. “This is our 10th year as a community band. We feel we have become a staple in the community,” said Ardy Gonyer. “We’re very grateful for the support of Bowling Green.” Thom Headley explained the grant will help the band put on a concert with a guest conductor on May 6.

  • BG City Schools – $1,000 for One Book BG literacy program. Two third grade teachers, Jeni Niekamp and Jonelle Semancik explained the grant will help the schools purchase books for every pre-kindergarten through fifth grade student. The reading program unites families and the community around one common book. “It’s created to promote a love of learning,” Semancik said.

  • BG Parks and Recreation Department – $5,000 for the natural obstacle course. Ivan Kovacevic, of the parks and rec department, said the outdoor obstacle course behind the community center has already been the site of the Zombie Mud Run last fall.

  • BG Parks and Recreation Department – $5,000 for waterpark splashpad creature. The splashpad additions help complete the area for the youngest pool users. “They are both really true community projects,” Kovacevic said of the pool and obstacle course.

  • BG Youth Hockey Association – $1,100 for rink system upgrade. The hockey program involves 315 kids, ages 5 to 15, said Jennifer Bowers. “It’s a really big asset for the community,” she said. “It’s a team of people volunteering a lot of hours. The problem is we don’t have enough equipment.” The grant will help replace orange cones and upside-down buckets with real hockey goals.

  • Bobcat Advocates – $1,310 for downtown banners. The Bobcat banner that stretched across the downtown has worn out, so this grant will help with the purchase of six banners to hang on downtown light poles during the school district’s Bobcat Week, said Lee Hakel. The advocates program was created after the school district lost a levy a few years ago. “It really was hard on the teachers and the administrators,” Hakel said. So the advocates group started a program to boost morale in the district.

  • Horizon Youth Theatre – $1,107 for the musical production of “Cinderella.” Since 1997, the youth theater program has worked to put on productions with kids ages 8 to 18. “We are a true community organization,” said Karen Walters. The group is both non-profit and nomad, she said, with productions taking place wherever space is available. The grant will help the troupe produce the musical, “Cinderalla” this spring. “The cost of putting on a musical is quite large,” Walters explained.

  • La Conexion de Wood County – $1,000 for immigration integration through language. The grant will support adult English as a Second Language classes. “We are so appreciative of these funds,” Beatriz Maya said. “Immigrants have built this country,” Maya said, and this program helps local immigrants integrate by learning English. The funds will be used to pay a small stipend to BGSU students who act as instructors, and help with transportation to classes.

  • NAMI Wood County – $1,000 for program extension project. The funds will help pay for staff to be trained for Wellness Recovery Action Plan programs that help people manage mental illnesses. Marc Jensen explained that NAMI’s programs are for people with mental illness and their families. “All of our programs are aimed at recovery,” Jensen said. “There is recovery.”

  • Right Direction Organization Inc. – $2,000 for youth development program. The program uses skateboarding, BMX and scooter sports to teach life skills to kids, according to Don DeBartolomeo. The program offers sports training to kids who often aren’t in any organized athletics, and sets up contests to give them recognition for success. “A lot of these kids have never received an award in their lives,” he said.

  • The Feminist Organization Raising Consciousness – $1,000 for “The Vagina Monologues” at BGSU. The grant will pay for the production of the play on campus.

  • United Way in Wood County – $3,000 for Continuum of Care Wood County web-based housing resource flow chart. The grant will be used to help connect homeless people to local resources. “We’re trying to tackle issues around housing,” said Jamie Brubaker. “If you think there aren’t homeless in this community, think again,” said Sue Clanton.

  • Wood County Historical Museum – $500 for educational outreach for Wood County seniors. Mike McMaster said much of his focus at the historical center has been to educate children, but this program will help him provide educational outreach to senior centers and senior care facilities.

  • Wood Lane Industries – $4,055 for a portable mechanical patient lift. The lift will help transfer people who use wheelchairs without placing strain on the consumers or staff at Wood Lane Industries. The lift is portable and can also be used in the community, said Kent Strange. This will allow consumers to “get out like everybody else gets out,” he said. “The more access, the less stigma.”

Article is being re-posted from BG Independent News - written by Jan Larson McLaughlin on January 22, 2017  

BGCF would like to thank two outgoing trustees

Megan Newlove and Janet Womack have served as trustees on the BGCF board for six years and are now leaving the board.  At the December 2016 board meeting the board president thanked them for their dedicated service to BGCF and it's mission.  Thank you Megan and Janet!

Cal Bowers and Dave Shilling thank Megan Newlove for serving six years as Trustee. Janet Womack was unable to attend.

Cal Bowers and Dave Shilling thank Megan Newlove for serving six years as Trustee. Janet Womack was unable to attend.


Cal Bowers was elected President of the BGCF and Kristin Otley is President Elect starting November 2016 through October 2017.  Owen Beck will remain as Treasurer, Brian Craft as Secretary, and Tony Hetrick will be Immediate Past President.  The BGCF would like to welcome three new trustees.  These new three-year term trustee are David Anderson, Emily Dunipace and Delaney Doup.

BGCF participates in "Adopt-A-Door" program at Bowling Green School District

Knowing that a price can't be placed on the safety and security of children and staff in our schools, the BGCF trustees made a motion to donate $400 to purchase two "boots" (door stops) though the "Adopt-A-Door" program at Bowling Green City Schools. 

Cal Bowers, President of BGCF presenting a check to Rhonda Melchi, Treasurer of Bowling Green City Schools.

Cal Bowers, President of BGCF presenting a check to Rhonda Melchi, Treasurer of Bowling Green City Schools.


We are pleased to announce our 2016 grant recipients.  The entire list is under our Grant Seeking tab above.  Our congratulations to these non-profit organizations.


The Bowling Green Community Foundation is now accepting applications from non-profit organizations and school districts within the 43402 and 43403 zip code for its 2016 grant program. Grants will range from $500 to $5000 to support projects to be implemented in calendar year 2017 that enhance the health, welfare and vitality of the Bowling Green community. The application deadline is Oct. 15.

Applications from 501(c)(3) organizations or from smaller programs that fall under the umbrella of 501(c)(3)  organizations will be considered. Further details about the grant process as well as the actual grant application are available via this website or by calling (419) 352-0281 to leave a message for the administrative assistant.

golf scramble 2016

The BGCF had a very successful golf scramble on July 13th at the Stone Ridge Golf Club.  See Annual Golf Outing page on this website for more information.

Lunch in the park 2016

The BGCF sponsored the June 3rd Lunch in the Park at the Bowling Green City Park.  Volunteers helped pass out cake, talked about the organization, and sold raffle tickets for the golf scramble.  Another way the foundation supports Bowling Green.  A good time was held by all!

bowling green high school senior scholarship program 2016

The Bowing Green High School Senior Scholarship Program was held on April 26, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.  Our President, Tony Hetrick, presented $1,000 scholarships each to Megan Swartz and Isabella Eschedor.  Congratulations to both of these students and good luck with your future college plans.


The BGCF Trustees are pleased to announce the plans for the 2016 BGCF Golf Scramble.  The Golf Scramble will be held on July 13, 2016 at Stone Ridge Golf Course.  Please see our flyer in the Annual Golf Outing section of this website or you can click here for more information.

December 2015 Trustee Meeting

  • John Heffernan was present at the December meeting and was awarded a gift recognizing his service to the Board which ended in 2015. John was a past Trustee, President, and Immediate Past President. Thank you John!

  • Cal Bowers was elected to the President Elect position.

  • Kevin Cochrane was introduced as a new member of the Trustees. Kevin has served the Board in the past and we are glad to have him on once again.

Grant Recipient Reception held on January 20, 2016

A grant recipient reception was held on January 20th at the Carter House in Bowling Green.   Pictures of the reception and grant recipients are in the Gallery Section of this website.

2016 Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation

2016 Trustees of the Bowling Green Community Foundation