Bowling Green Fire Division—Knox Box Loaner Program
Monies will provide, free of charge, a Knox Box to any household that may require emergency access. Priority is given to elderly and special needs residents and will be used by the BGFD to gain access to a key for the residence in the case of an emergency, medical or fire. This would prevent the destruction of exterior doors that occurs when the fire division is called to assist residents whose door is locked, leaving no option but to damage the property to gain access, eliminating costly repairs and stress. $5000
NIOT and BRAVE—Juneteenth Celebration
Grant money will be used to create a collaborative, positive Juneteenth Celebration providing opportunities for all members of our community to come together to celebrate African American freedom, culture, and achievement – promoting an inclusive, welcoming environment for all members of the community. Town and Gown Fund: $3500
Brown Bag Food Project
Monies will be used to purchase a commercial size refrigerator to store perishable food items, providing more storage so they can make bulk purchases of fresh foods, as well as accept the increased amounts of donated perishable foods. The BBFP provided fresh, healthy food to about 2700 people living in 43402 in the past year. $3200
First United Methodist Child Learning Center—Step Up To Quality
Grant money will be used to purchase an assessment tool that would support effective teaching, provide teachers increased time with students, give them the ability to obtain more accurate data, and encourage increased parental involvement. This is also a necessary requirement to maintain their 3-star rating with the state of Ohio. $2267
Wood County Educational Services Center—The Wheel Deal
Grant money will be used to implement a variety of traffic safety advertisements and videos on social media sites to improve significant problems associated with young drivers, such as distracted driving, the use of seatbelts and driving under the influence. $2500
United Way of Wood County—Imagination Library
The grant will support the development of necessary early literacy skills for children by mailing one book per month to children from birth to age five. $3750
Bowling Green State University—Diabetes Prevention Program
Money will be used to provide virtual training and support Bowling Green State University’s (BGSU’s) commitment to the public good by expanding access to lifestyle support in order to reduce, prevent, or delay the development of diabetes among high risk adults living in Bowling Green. $3700
NAMI of Wood County—Peer and Family Support in response to COVID 19 The goal is to hire and train a Peer Recovery Specialist as a facilitator for peer-led evidence-based programs. This trained individual, a person who is living in recovery, will be able to implement a variety of trainings and activities designed to support mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, and other wellness programs. $3750
Wood Lane Residential Services, Inc.—Ad-Ventures in Vending Money will be used to purchase, operate, stock, and maintain a vending machine by participants in the Positive Community Connections program, to provide training, and development of vocational skills, leading to employment and career opportunities. $3375
The Cocoon—Shelter Mattresses and Bedding
The grant money will be used to purchase new mattresses for the shelter to provide a comfortable bed for those needing support, comfort and rest as they enter shelter, as well as give them bedding to use now and in the future as they transition to more permanent housing. $2000
City of Bowling Green Bicycle Safety Commission—Expanding Bicycle Racks
Grant will be used to increase the number of bicycle racks in the downtown BG area so that residents will be encouraged to ride their bikes and reduce auto congestion in the downtown while getting more physical exercise. $1200
FORGE—Feminist Organization Rallying for Gender Equity
Grant money will be used to provide menstrual products to students and community members who are experiencing period poverty, by creating and distributing period kits, consisting of several pads, tampons, and panty liners. $600
Welcome Bowling Green—International Friday
Grant will used to increase awareness about the challenges faced by the international students in BG, primarily food insecurity, exacerbated by the pandemic, and will supply basic and necessary food items that meet their dietary, cultural and religious preferences. $2000
Work Leads to Independence (wli) Nintendo Switch Grant will be used to purchase Nintendo Switches to provide opportunities to keep the people we serve moving and healthy, engage them physically and mentally in tasks, as well as develop fine motor skills and retention. $500
Bowling Green Pregnancy Center—Bright Beginnings
The goal of this program is to equip individuals and prepare them to be the best parents they can be by offering lessons on pregnancy, infancy, toddlers, parenting, life skills, and more, as well as help facilitate access to material items needed to help ensure the safety of children, ie car seats. $2000
The Nest Bowling Green
Grant monies will be used to provide parenting classes for Dads to support them in their important role in the lives of children. $1600
Total: $ 40,942
Janis L. Pallister Fund
Funds given directly to the Wood County District Public Library to purchase video tapes – emphasis on foreign films. $540.06
Total Distribution = $41,482.06