The Hometown Heroes Banner Program is a community pride program intended to salute the brave men and women who are currently serving and those who previously served in the military. The program will feature the individual’s military photo on a full-color cloth banner to be suspended from certain light poles located within the public right of way throughout the City of Bowling Green. Banners honoring our brave service men and women will be proudly displayed beginning this summer throughout Bowling Green.

There are limited number of poles designated for the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. Reservations for space will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis to the first 60-80 applicants during the application cycle. Once the program is full for the 2025 cycle, applicants must wait for the next application cycle.


The service member must be active duty, a veteran with an honorable discharge, in the reserves or national guard and a current or former resident within the Bowling Green zip code of 43402 (for a minimum of 4 years) or attended school through the Bowling Green City Schools District (for a minimum of 4 years).

For the purposes of this program, “armed forces” are defined as meaning the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force, per section 101(a)(4) of title 10, United States Code. Also, for the purpose of this program, “active duty” is defined as full-time active military service to the United States as defined in section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code. Those serving in the Reserves or National Guard may also be honored.


The banner will measure 30-by-60 inches and feature a full-color, one-sided design with service member’s name, military branch, era of service (optional), dates served, honors received (if applicable) and military photo (to be provided by the applicant).

Banner information, including the spelling of service member’s name will be taken directly from the application.  Please make sure all information on the application is correct. The BGCF is not responsible for any misspellings that were submitted with the application. By submitting an application, the applicant agrees that he or she has permission to use the service member’s likeness and name on the banner.


Different ways to complete the application:

  • IN PERSON – Two opportunities to meet with representatives from the BGCF who will help you complete the application, scan the military photo you bring with you, and take your check or cash for your portion of the banner.

    • Wood County District Public Library – February 26, 2025 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and March 1, 2025 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

  • ONLINE - Submit your application and photo online by completing the on-line application at this link    After completing the application, there will be a link to make a credit card payment on PayPal. Use the bottom button on the PayPal link for credit card if you don’t want to use PayPal.

  • BY MAIL - Download the PDF application form at, print the form, complete and sign the form, and send it by US Mail with a check to BGCF, PO Box 1175, Bowling Green, OH 43402. Please e-mail the photo (at least 300 DPI) to On the e-mail you need to indicate the veteran’s name.

Completed applications will be accepted from February 26 to March 14, 2025. The BGCF will receive and review applications for completeness during the application period. Upon a determination that the application is incomplete, the applicant will be notified and asked to submit the missing information.

Applicants must provide a high-resolution military photograph (digital file or photograph) of the service member dressed in military uniform or from the time in military service. Photo should be portrait orientation and at least 300 DPI. If photo submitted online does not meet this requirement the applicant will be contacted and the BGCF will try to help you make arrangements to have the photo scanned at a convenient location.

Banners will cost $80.00 to the applicant which includes design, printing, hanging and removal of banner. The Bowling Green Community Foundation along with a very generous donation from the A.A. Green Family Fund will be adding additional funds towards the cost of the banner. Assistance is available with this cost if needed (see application). The Bowling Green Community Foundation will sponsor and waive the banner fee for any nomination that is submitted on behalf of local military personnel that were killed in action, missing in action or was a POW.  A smaller 12” x 18” vinyl banner with grommets for hanging with the same design as the large canvas banner will be given as a gift to each applicant to display it on the occasion of patriotic celebrations (4th of July, Veterans Day, etc.) to show community recognition and support of those who have served our nation.  Applicants will be notified via email regarding pick-up times and locations for the small banner.  The large banner is property of the BGCF so that it can go back up in future years.


Donations from individuals or businesses are welcome, and will go toward the purchase of banners, hardware, and related costs in support of the program through a gift to the Bowling Green Community Foundation. All funds are donated to a 501 (c)(3) and are considered tax deductible which can be claimed under tax-id #34-1790526. Thank you for your generous contribution which helps recognize ‟the unsung heroes amongst us.” You can make this donation at or send a check to BGCF, PO Box 1175, Bowling Green, OH 43420. Please add Hometown Heroes Program to the memo line. A letter will be sent to you acknowledging the donation for your records.


The Bowling Green Community Foundation will oversee and administer the Bowling Green Hometown Heroes Banner program including, but not limited to photo approvals, application guidelines and processing, fee structure, and program policy. The City of Bowling Green will oversee designated banner-hanging zones along with hanging the banners. There are a limited number of poles in Bowling Green.  At Bowling Green City’s discretion, pole banners may be relocated to other areas of Bowling Green. The city is unable to take special requests regarding individual’s preferred banner location. The BGCF is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged banners (including damage incurred by acts of nature and vandalism). Should damage occur and banners need repair, it will be the applicant’s responsibility to have the banners repaired or replaced working with the BGCF.